Another (Chained) Tag

вторник, февраля 13, 2007


After the headache of being tagged by kyu, there comes again another chained-tagged blog spree. Only this time the instruction is to blurt out the first word in mind. It is like the old times back when the English class teacher played a vocabulary game like this.

Okay, here is my list:
A - anonymous (guess it is related to internet browsing I am currently doing)
B - bird (first thought)
C - cat (my favourite pet)
D - ditch (I don't know why but I love the pronunciation)
E - emporium (extravaganza shopping complex I used to (window) shopping)
F - foxtrot (a fox trotting around, not the dance)
G - grizzly (sizzler-related word I came up when my stomach is craving for snack right now)
H - hedonist (hmm... don't ask)
I - ice cream (you can guess this one, I am really in need of sweet dessert now)
J - jien... (my surname)
K - koenig (german vocabulary for king, does this count?)
L - lioness (links to the above word in the sense of power)
M - madonna (subconsciously relates with the above, I suppose)
N - nutcracker (I'm really hungry now, you see)
O - overreact (my first thought of the word after over- prefix)
P - pesticide (I don't know)
Q - questionnaire (I love the rhythm of letter usuage in this word plus a sense of french touch)
R - restoria (Italian word for restaurant or something)
S - strenghten (actually I came up upon 'strenghtening')
T - thrust (it sounds more complicated than just 'trust')
U - ubersexual (someone's MSN nickname, who came online while I was blogging)
V - vi (my name in short)
W - walrus (it seems the whole theme involves only animal and food)
X - x-files (my most favourite tv series of all time)
Y - yolanda (sci-fi character, i guess)
Z - zealot (finito?)

From me with love,

2 коммент.:

Murz комментирует...

D - You just love the sound, or you just love 'ditching'? :D
H - After this, I expect the whole masochist-sadist motherload LOL
N - You're sure you mean the snack?;)
T - (no comment needed :D)

"it seems the whole theme involves only animal and food"
--- Obviously.

verdiinpink комментирует...

It seems every tiny detail, especially PG-21 rated, can't escape your attention at all, 555. Ok, I admit that there're more than just animal and food, guilty as charged.